Dracaena draco (NN)


  • 10 seeds
  • Dragon’s Blood plant
  • Red resin inside tree
  • Evergreen
  • Drought tolerant
  • Sub-tropical
  • Tolerates high wind, heat and salt spray
  • Water through summer and fertilise once a month
  • Lives for hundred’s of years
  • 10-12 metres
  • Branches – up 4 metres wide
  • For pots use pumice, sand and potting soil and place in a large pot

To propagate

  1. Place seeds in a sandy soil, seed raising mix
  2. Keep moist but not too wet
  3. Keep in a warm position (greenhouse) out of direct sunlight
  4. You can place plastic cling wrap or a soft drink bottle cut in half as a dome to keep the heat in
  5. Put holes in plastic if water drips down sides as the seeds shouldn’t be too wet so as not to rot
  6. Take off plastic once germinated
  7. Bulk available, please inquire.

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